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  • ୧⍤⃝ ͜🦋Angela甜❷🦋ꪋꪆ꫁ 04-16 发了动态又删除,是因为这一刻讨厌上一秒矫情的自己。The dynamic and deleted, because this moment hate on a second melodramatic yourself.
  • ୧⍤⃝ ͜🦋Angela甜❷🦋ꪋꪆ꫁ 04-16 最动人的情话不是\我爱你\",而是我恍惚听到天气预报说今天有你。The most touching love words are not \"I love you\", but I am in a trance to hear the weather report saying that you ar
  • ୧⍤⃝ ͜🦋Angela甜❷🦋ꪋꪆ꫁ 04-16 我明白,有的人或早或晚终究会离开,即便终有一散,也别辜负了相遇。好好相遇,好好告别。I understand that some people will leave sooner or later. Even if they are separated, don\t let them down.
  • ୧⍤⃝ ͜🦋Angela甜❷🦋ꪋꪆ꫁ 04-16 你反复推开别人 直到确定自己是例外才安心,结果你一推一个准。You push others away again and again until you are sureHe is an exception to peace of mindAs a result, you pushed for
  • ୧⍤⃝ ͜🦋Angela甜❷🦋ꪋꪆ꫁ 04-16 我本来就很麻烦,情绪很多,爱哭粘人,胡思乱想,这些换谁谁都接受不了, 我知道, 所以我没有打算成为谁的偏爱。I am already very troublesome, I have a lot of emotions, I like crying and clinging to people,
  • ୧⍤⃝ ͜🦋Angela甜❷🦋ꪋꪆ꫁ 04-16 转发歌曲:推荐你来听明天更美好🌈与女神📖合唱的这首#认输##L(桃籽)、何文宇#,唱得真棒!
  • 山水Ⅰ 04-14 晚上好!友友
  • 云霞(友来友往) 04-14 转发歌曲:推荐你来听明天更美好🌈与女神📖合唱的这首#认输##L(桃籽)、何文宇#,唱得真棒!
  • 舟A 04-14 天作之合黄金搭档。